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Toolkit Addition

Up-to-the Minute News

Still prefer human searches to Newsbot (see the TOC on the left) searches? Here's a list of news only search engines:

  • News Index indexes current news articles by content, so keyword searches are reasonably accurate and easy to do. There are no archives.
  • PR Newswire doesn't allow searches, but it keeps you updated on breaking news items.
  • Ecola News Stand allows you to search the major US daily papers by region and paper name. Contains some archived summaries.
  • Flying Inkpot offers a search of news items by continent or general keywords. You can search ezines, newspapers, books, and movies.
  • The Internet Public Library Reading Room offers a search of major world newspapers, but each article is indexed only by title, publisher, and location.
  • American Journalism Review provides links to thousands of papers around the world and has a news only search page.

Search Tips

Search Tip: GNET Search Helper

Ever get tired of retrieving your bookmark list just so you can get to another site? Get tired of typing in the same URLs in your browser's location box? Wish there were a way to have all of the good stuff just on one page?

GNET is a gathering or place-holding tool. It offers no bells, no whistles. Not even graphics (which means that each of its pages load mighty quickly).

What GNET does is give you a central location from which you can access just about everything. It serves basically as a huge bookmark that contains other bookmarks. So, instead of having to pull down your bookmarks or type in new URLs when you want to move from one search engine to another, or one news site to another, or one mega-career site to another, you can access them all from within GNET's site.

GNET is organized in a manner similar to channels, but arranged hierarchically. The main channels include computers, entertainment, finance, news, search, shopping, sports, and travel.

Yahoo, Excite, Infoseek, Lycos, and Magellan comprise the search features. What this means is that from one page, you can access the top level page of each of the search engines. At first glance this is a "so what?" kind of thing. After a moment or two it becomes a "oh, less clicks, same info" type thing. It does not conduct simultaneous searches, though. It simply gives you quicker access to each of the engines you might use on a regular basis.

There are also 7 additional channels-one of which is careers.

From the GNET page, you have easy one click access to Career Mosaic, Job Bank, Monster Board, Career City, and CRC. Then, there are an additional 16 mega sites you can access from GNET, but access here brings you to the clicked on site itself rather than GNET's site.

Registration to use GNET is free and easy.

GNET will not find you the recruits you need. Just as no other site will do that. The finding is up to you. The Internet merely offers tools to make the finding a bit less painful. And that's what GNET can do. From one page, you have quick and easy access to pages you probably use quite often.

GNET saves time-not hours and hours, but minutes each day.


Table Of Contents SEARCH TOOLS
  1. Search Basics
  2. Search Strategy
  3. Company Info
  4. Finding People
  5. Resumes
  6. Web Pages
  7. Usenet
  8. Mailing Lists
  9. Competitors
10. Discussion Areas
11. Cheat Sheet
  1. Master Sites
  2. Free Sites
  3. Usenet
  4. Niches
  5. Writing Postings
  1. Newbot
  2. Informant
  3. URL Minder
  4. Other Robots
  1. Starter Tools
  2. Browser Tips
  1. Salary Surveys


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