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Toolkit Addition

Search: FTP-ing for Gold Nuggets

FTP Search v3.6 is a handy tool that assists your search of FTP sites.

Although not all sites have anonymous FTP access, many of the larger ones (which employ lots of the people you want) do. A systematic search of their FTP offerings can give you access to subscription lists, mailing lists, phone directories, and more.

For instance, a search for "news", limited to the domain "" brought back several results. We went to the most recent date which was very late October. Once we clicked and brought it up on our screen, we scrolled through quickly to get an idea of what the news was about and what names we might be able to cull from it. The newsletter was about IBM's TeamConnection V2, a collaborative LAN-based client/server development environment and in it we noticed the name of its prime developer, a few associates in the applications development division, a couple of staff programmers, the newsletter producer's name, email address and fax number.

Searching FTP files takes a bit of time but can produce interesting results. Do not try and read through each file you find-much of the information is overly technical and useless given your purposes. However, quick scans through the files can produce names and addresses you might not otherwise have.

You can also use an Archie Plex form to conduct your search. Archie Plex locate files on Anonymous FTP sites in the Internet and sorts them by host name so you can see at a glance which files might be more credible than others.

For a hint about what's out there, take a look at a li""sting of anonymous FTP sites around the world. While this list is not complete, it is extensive and offers a brief description of what you might find at the site. If you want a look at the whole list go to MIT There are 23 pages covering all the sites.

Search Tips

Search Tip: Internet Chat Events

Internet chat is not just about starting online flirtations. It's also about networking, job hunting, career and business information.

To be sure, discussions about sexual habits predominate, but there are a few sources that enable you to find particular chat "events"-relative to your recruiting needs-that occur at scheduled times in mediated forums.

To find channels about a specific topic, search one of the Web sites that list chats.

  • Yahoo Net Events lists daily and ongoing events, catalogued by topic;
  • The Snap Online Events also offers a calendar of chat in addition to daily Web events, including Webcasts;
  • indexes chats that are searchable by host or subject, and has a form you can fill out to be reminded of events of interest.

The above pages work in a couple of ways. They highlight current chat events, but also allow you to search by interest area. The interest areas are the standard ones and include business, science, and computers. Although first glance might suggest that science would be the appropriate category if you were looking for a chemist-type, the business sections most often provide the general career and employment-related events.

Two events of particular interest to you given the audience that is being targeted are Making the Right Career Moves on the morning of December 3rd and Careers, at noon (PST) on December 10. Sign up at Yack to be reminded of the events and times. In addition, each weekend About Work hosts a chat room for professionals to discuss for professionals to talk shop and get to know others in their field.

Although some of the chat events require nothing more than a Java-enabled Web browser, others require that you download specific software. To make sure that you can participate in the events you want, do the following:

  • go to one of the calendar pages and make note of the events of interest
  • follow the links provided which will lead you to a clear description of the event as well as tell you what you need to participate
  • register as required
  • download necessary software
  • return a few minutes before the scheduled event
  • join in and recruit


Table Of Contents SEARCH TOOLS
  1. Search Basics
  2. Search Strategy
  3. Company Info
  4. Finding People
  5. Resumes
  6. Web Pages
  7. Usenet
  8. Mailing Lists
  9. Competitors
10. Discussion Areas
11. Cheat Sheet
  1. Master Sites
  2. Free Sites
  3. Usenet
  4. Niches
  5. Writing Postings
  1. Newbot
  2. Informant
  3. URL Minder
  4. Other Robots
  1. Starter Tools
  2. Browser Tips
  1. Salary Surveys


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