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Networking I

(January 31, 2007)
Networking has two polar opposite incarnations. There are two deeply different types of networks and they are the ends of a spectrum. Physical communications networks obey the laws of telecommunications. Social networks obey time honored laws of value creation.

Physical communications networks, where the value of the network is the square of the number of users, operate well with empty nodes. This telecommunications model of a network, which can be readily applied to computer networks and other non-human collections of things that are linked together, makes absolutely no account of the fundamentals of human interaction. The essence of this type of network is its potential. The more people who could possibly connect using the network, the more valuable it is.

Social networks, on the other hand, find their utility in the value they deliver to their living breathing members. Built on the creation of value, you'll find network members closing conversations saying, "Now, what can I do for you today?" Social networks demand human interaction in a focused way. They require members to freely give to the network without the expectation of a specific return or acknowledgement. They get their energy from free and willing participation. The value of a social network is logarithmically driven by the value its members donate.

Much of the confusion about networks comes from misunderstanding what is appropriate in which context. Spam, for example, utilizes telecommunication principles to try to achieve social network effects. The same is true of many of the so-called social networking software tools. Real human interaction is minimized in most of these operations. The number of "friends" or "connections" a person has is all about the potential, not the actuality of the relationship.

Online networks, or communities, are places where these two ends of the spectrum overlap. (Notice that we don't extend our definition of community to include Linked-In, Facebook or the other usual suspects.) Part telecommunications network rooted in potentiality and part social network rooted in reciprocal value creation, they are less than a generation old. It's not surprising that we have so little understanding about how to utilize them.

These are settings like the WeLL, 2nd Life, old BBS systems, Brainstorms and so on. They are places where complex interactions between members are the norm. Values emerge, community thrives, people are engaged. Inside of these communities, etiquette gets established and the ongoing essence of community is that people know, respect and care for one another.

A very interesting part of many online communities is the fact that they get together in "meatspace". Physical gatherings are a part of the culture in most successful online gatherings. The experience of having the network gathered together is at the heart of the success of many communities.

Something similar is happening in the Recruiting world. The Talent Unconference was, in many ways, an initial installation in what will be a long story. Many folks who only knew each other by name, reputation and work product saw each other for the first time. It was the beginning of self awareness for the Recruiting Industry online network.

John Sumser © TwoColorHat. All Rights Reserved.
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